ABAP Package transportable and non transportable

ABAP Repository

The development objects such as programs, function modules, definition of tables and so on delivered by SAP or created by ABAP developer are stored in repository called ABAP repository. The repository is located in the database and is client-independent or cross-client. Cross-client means the repository objects gets available to all clients irrespective of the client in which it is created.

Repository Information System is tool to search repository objects. Tcode is SE84.

ABAP Package

Whenever a development object is created, it has to be assigned to a package. Package keeps related development objects together and is a logical grouping of related objects. TCode to view and maintain packages in SE21. Package is associated with Transport Layer which determines the path object will travel i.e. development to quality and finally to production.

Non-transportable package $TMP and Transportable package

Non Transportable package – We can place custom object in SAP delivered package $TMP, these objects are classified as Local Object. If an object is assigned to $TMP, it becomes a Local Object and cannot be transported from one system to another.

Transportable package – To place related custom development objects together, developers will first create a custom package. When development object is assigned to custom package, it will look for a transport request; and thus can be transported from development to quality and finally to production system. Thus all project related development will be assigned to a custom package and finally transported to production system.

Figure highlights transport layer underlying a standard package VF

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