SAPUI5 display Message Toast

In this article we learn how to display message toast in SAPUI5 using sap.m.MessageToast.

Code a Button control in the view.xml file. On the click of button, we call a function to display the message toast.

<Button id="_IDGenButton1" text="Press the button"

Code a Button control in the view.xml file. On the click of button, we call a function to display the message toast. Create function in the controller.js file and implement message toast code.

     * @param {typeof sap.ui.core.mvc.Controller} Controller
    function (Controller,MessageToast) {
        "use strict";

        return Controller.extend("amarmn.sapui51.controller.View1", {
            onInit: function () {

            onPress: function () {
      "This is the message toast!!!");

Alternate code : Instead of loading MessageToast using function sap.ui.define(), we can load the module using sap.ui.require(). This might help in performance improvement as the module will be loaded when required.

     * @param {typeof sap.ui.core.mvc.Controller} Controller
    function (Controller) {
        "use strict";

        return Controller.extend("amarmn.sapui51.controller.View1", {
            onInit: function () {

            onPress: function () {
                               function (oMessage) {
                       "This is the message toast-2!!!");

Alternate code : It is also possible to pass the text from the view.xml file. This text will be received in the controller file and then displayed as Message Toast.

<Button id="_IDGenButton1" text="Press the button"
				 		press=".onPress('from view file!!!')"/>
onPress: function (sValue) {
                sap.ui.require(["sap/m/MessageToast"], function (oMessage) {

Alternate code : You can display Message Toast by writing code directly in the view file.

<Button id="_IDGenButton1" text="Press the button"
	press="'Directly from the view file...!!')"/>